all students are focused on map review exercises.  to assist your child in map test review you can access some sample test questions by going to the link on the student study site links page.
5th grade
studying the sun-earth-moon system and how it results in days, seasons, years, moon phases and eclipses

6th grade
Studying the specialization of species and the advantages and disadvantages of those specializations

7th grade
studying the composition of the solar system and the vast distances the solar system covers

8th grade
studying the earth's interior and
5th grade is studying the organization of the solar system

6th grade is researching solutions to environmental issues that can be created or solved by human activity.

7th grade is completing the study of earth's atmosphere and weather.  there will be a test on thursday.

8th grade is completing the study of genetics and inherited traits.  tuesday we will begin the study of the rock cycle and plate tectonics.
5th grade begins a study of the solar system.

6th grade continues studying the relationships of living organisms within communities and biomes in nature.

7th grade will be creating powerpoint presentations for air masses and weather fronts to understand weather patterns here in the usa.

8th grade will be working through three activities to help them understand inherited traits
5th grade is testing over the atmosphere and water cycle this week.

6th grade is creating food chains and food webs in class this week.

7th grade is continuing studies of weather this week.  Specifically weather fronts and air masses.

8th grade is beginning studies of DNA and genetics.
5th grade is currently studying the water cycle (hydrosphere) and how weather is a result of both earth's surface (geosphere) and the atmosphere. 
6th grade is currently studying ecosystems and biomes with the focus being on competition of species within the environment.
7th grade is currently studying the atmosphere and weather.
8th grade is currently studying human body systems.


    This page is to keep parents and students informed of current topics being covered in science class.  A general outline for studies will be posted weekly.